HD SDI DRV Solutions for Australian Businesses

news Lần cập nhật cuối: 29 Tháng Ba, 2014

Businesses all over Australia are looking for ways to upgrade their security systems in order to make them impenetrable for intruders. There are a range of HD-SDI DVR solutions that will allow a business owner to remotely monitor the security of their building, using a home-based or mobile computing device software solution.

This can help start up businesses and self-employed entrepreneurs immensely as it saves on security costs related to the office. Simply by installing some basic wireless security HD-SDI cameras, motion detectors and a control system, you will be able to monitor the security of your office over the Internet using whichever device you have.


HD-SDI DVR Equipment Makers

There are many different types of equipment available that allow you to record high definition video remotely. Wall-mounted, dome-shaped, and bullet cameras are available that come with infrared technology for the dark as well as full-colour and audio for all other purposes.

It’s ultimately up to the individual business owner whether they wish to use a wired or wireless solution for their security needs. They both have their advantages and disadvantages, and if you want to avoid situations then perhaps the best solution is to use a combination of the two. If one system goes down for any reason, at least you have the backup solution to make sure that everything is still going smoothly.

Wired solutions are also generally more robust than a wireless solution and these devices are often made to be waterproof and weather-resistant. Because of their in-built infrared functions, they are ideal to be used outdoors at all times of the year and can secure a variety of areas around your business.

Where to Place Surveillance Systems

Generally, you will want to protect a variety of locations across your business premises. The main gate and the road leading away from it and towards the buildings should be covered. Parking areas need to have their own security systems and all the doors and entryways should be surveyed as well. Generally this means that for most small offices and businesses, anywhere between 5-25 cameras should be enough.

Backing Up and Archives

When you are recording security information, you will probably want to keep it safe so that you can review it if necessary at a future date. Sometimes, assets go missing in companies and it is not always known who is responsible. By keeping backups of your security footage, you can ensure that later on this information can be retrieved if needed.

HD SDI DVR – Uses in Business

It is also important from a data-retention point of view as this information might be requested at any point due to legislation and a company needs to be able to provide it if necessary for relevant authorities.

Live Surveillance

Not only will you be able to archive footage, but your security team can view and analyse traffic flow and customer movements in real time. In a retail situation this can be essential for dealing with shoplifting if it is a problem and catching perpetrators in the act so that they can be arrested by the security team and handed over to the police.

OmniVision has been providing Australian home and business owners with security services since 2000. On their site you can find a full range of products and services related to protecting your assets and premises. Analytics and remote-monitoring are also provided for those clients who need it the most.

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