All Kinds of Israel News to Stay Informed

news Lần cập nhật cuối: 18 Tháng Mười Hai, 2013

There are many online sources available to learn about the latest Israel news. It is necessary to spot reliable and reputable sites to avoid confusions. For this, read reviews, stay tuned and consider word of mouth. Below you will find a few important points, which are currently relevant within the Jewish community.

Meeting with Obama

As per the latest Israel news, negotiators from Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) in Washington closed a work plan to try to reach a peace agreement within the next nine months, without leaving out any of the most controversial issues with the intention of entering squarely in the talks by mid- September.

After two days of meetings sponsored by the Secretary of State, John Kerry, in his role as a mediator in the process, the chief negotiators Tzipi Livni and Palestinian Saeb Erekat, were committed to the new direct dialogue, the first since 2010. According to Israel news and reputable sources, the parties agreed to continue negotiations involved in sustained, continuous and substantive key issues, and will meet again sometime in the next two weeks in Israel or the West Bank in order to begin the formal negotiation process. It seems their aim will be to achieve a definitive agreement over the next nine months. The agreement implies that “all core issues will be on the table to be negotiated”, said Kerry, while Erekat said that “they will resolve all issues without exception” states the Israel news.

Israel News

While not list those items, Israel news clearly state that it is expected that they will include issues such as dialogue borders, security, Jerusalem, Israeli settlements and Palestinian refugees. It looks like a viable two-state solution is the only way this conflict can end. According to Kerry, there is not much time to do that. It is necessary to act now is what the Israel news states. In the same vein, Livni said, “History is not made by cynics, but the fear does not sound realistic,” and revealed that Israel is “encouraged by the dialogue but cannot afford to be naive.”

These kinds of Israel news are always displayed by reliable press and can keep you informed on the go. In these negotiations, their intention is not to discuss about the past, but to create solutions and make decisions for the future.

You can find plenty of information about the Israeli Justice Minister and all thanks to the ultimate Israel news sources updates. Erekat, meanwhile, said that no one would benefit more than the success of this initiative that the Palestinians and that it is time for the Palestinians to have their own sovereign State and can live in peace and dignity.

The latest Israel news reports that the attacks are becoming more severe and, in some areas, more coordinated. They are much more common: increased 32 % in 2011 compared to 2010, affecting Palestinian women and children, and their agricultural fields (10,000 trees have been uprooted) and their places of worship (they have destroyed more than ten mosques only this year) states the current Israel news.

According to the latest Israel news, most of these attacks are taking place in the West Bank and many of them seem to be part of a system of coercion those communities trying to force Palestinians to leave the area in order to expand Israeli settlements.

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