When preparing to launch your first website, the temptation to enlist the aid of an outside web designer can be great – particularly if you possess little to no experience in the field of website creation. It’s important to note, however, that website building is no longer the highly specialized field it once was. Although there will always be a place for experienced, formally trained designers, web design novices now have access to a bevy of convenient tools that make the site creation process a breeze. Anyone who’s currently on the fence about creating their own website would be wise to consider the following perks.
1. Wide Range of Design Options
When you set out to build your own website, the first thing you’ll notice is the expansive range of template and font options available to you. Instead of creating your own templates from scratch, you can find a seemingly endless variety of premade options when working with Web.com. No matter what type of site you’re creating, be it personal or business-related, you’re sure to find templates that are perfectly suited to your vision. Web.com also offers clients a sizable assortment of royalty-free images to incorporate into their respective sites, so if a sleek, professional-looking website is what you’re after, look no further.
2. Saving Money
Most professional website designers do fantastic work. Unfortunately, this is often reflected in their bills. When working with a professional designer, you should expect to spend a minimum of several thousand dollars – or far more, depending on the scale of the project. However, even if you can afford to bring a professional onboard, there’s not much sense in paying someone for a job that you’re capable of completing in a matter of hours. While it’s true that professionals take a more organic approach to site creation, the end results are often indistinguishable from sites created using the tools available at Web.com.
3. Being in Control
While there are some advantages to working with professional web designers, there are also a number of annoyances. For example, many professionals won’t hesitate to dismiss your instructions if they feel that they know better than you. This can result in a finished website that bears little resemblance to your initial outline. Conversely, when building your own site, you’ll be in complete control of the project, and no one will be around to second-guess your design choices. If you have a very specific vision of what you want your site to look like, there’s no substitute for building it yourself.
The prospect of creating a website from the ground up is understandably daunting to many web design novices. However, even if you’ve never tried your hand at website design, you’re sure to find that the process is no longer as complex as it used to be. As an added bonus, crafting your own site is also synonymous with a number of perks. Anyone who appreciates having options, saving money and being in control should strongly consider DIY website creation.
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