Best Food For Long Distance Traveling

news Lần cập nhật cuối: 19 Tháng 12, 2018

Whether you’re planning a long-distance trip across the globe or a roadtrip to another state, bringing your own food is a great way to cut down on costs. One of the most overlooked expenses of traveling, especially over long distances, is the cost of food. It’s easy to overlook the many meals and snacks along the way, but all of these things add up quickly. Not to mention you’ll quickly realize not all foods are travel-friendly.

When you’re traveling, you want to bring foods that keep you feeling energized and healthy. While unhealthy snacks are tempting, they’ll lead to crashes in your energy throughout your trip. Here are the best foods for long distance traveling that you won’t want to leave without on your next trip.

Fresh Fruits

Fresh Fruit

While most think fruit isn’t something you can travel with, it actually makes the best snack. Fruit is inexpensive and easy to find around the world. The trick to traveling with fruit is to choose something that’s easy to eat and that won’t get beat up in your luggage. Bananas might be your favorite snack, but they won’t likely survive in a heavy backpack stuffed with belongings.

Apples and oranges are a great option for fruit that can handle traveling. Apples are particularly great at stabalizing your blood sugar, and they’re even able to give you more energy than a cup of coffee. If that doesn’t make it the ultimate travel stack, nothing will.

Granola Bars

Granola Bars

Granola bars are good for everything: traveling, hiking, and even just exploring the city. Granola bars are chock full of nutrients from nuts, berries, and other fun ingredients. The best part about granola bars is that they come individually wrapped. It’s easy to keep one on you at all times when you’re on the road, and they’re a great way to escape the temptation of other unhealthy snacks.

Look for granola bars that are packed with proteins and fibers. Natural fruit bars, nut bars, and more are the best choice. Look for natural ingredients that you can recognize. If you want something sweet, look for dark chocolate flavors.



Not only is popcorn a yummy treat, but it’s a healthy option you can count on. Sealed popcorn in an air-filled bag should survive your backpack or luggage. Popcorn is high in fiber and low in calories, just make sure you’re avoiding oil-based and butter-based popcorn that aren’t as healthy. You can’t go wrong with popcorn, and it’ll be extra tasty when you’re watching a movie on the plane.

Nut Butter

Nut Butter

There are a lot of great nut butters to choose from. From vanilla almond butter to coconut butter, you can’t go wrong with this option. Today, you can even find these butters in little packages perfect for traveling. These butters will take any average snack into the next galaxy without adding unnecessary calories from artificial sweateners.

The best nut butters include hazelnut, almond, tahini, and more. Add them to crackers, rice cakes, pretzels, or even just toast for a satisfying snack that won’t break the bank. You can also find natural nut butters around the globe since they’re gaining in popularity.



Let’s face it: we all need something sweet from time to time. No matter how much we want to avoid candy and chocolate, sometimes we need a pick-me-up that tastes great, even if that means it’s not great for us. This is even more important when you’re traveling and you miss your favorite treats from home.

Before you leave for long distance travel, order your bulk candy online. This will save you money on the road while giving you a way to remember your favorite sweets from home. If you have your own candy to choose from, you’ll be less tempted to spend your budget on snacks when you’re traveling.

Long distance traveling is a great way to see the world. Just don’t blow your budget on extra food when you could bring your favorite snacks with you. You’ll be thankful you’ve thought ahead when you’re trapped in the airport and feeling hungry.

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